Play; Child; Sensory Integration; Sensory Dysfunction; Occupational TherapyAbstract
This article was built from qualitative research with literature review, starting from the book "Playing and Sensory Integration in the early years - Theory and Practice in Occupational Therapy” and the experience in the Occupational Therapy outpatient clinic with children from three to twelve years old. Considered by Occupational Therapy an area of occupation of paramount importance for the development of a child's basic skills, playing stimulates the body and the cognitive, as well as provides the maturation of psychological and socio-emotional functions. While playing games, there is the reception of numerous sensory stimuli. However, if a child has flaws in his sensory processing, responding inadequately to the stimuli caused by the interaction in the environment, there will be direct impacts on the performance of his daily activities, especially in playing, which is one of the main activities performed in this age group and important for the expansion of the repertoire of potentialities and autonomy. So, it is necessary to think and understand how this process passes through these children and foster the discussion to elaborate possibilities to prevent sensory overload and/or promote sensory self-regulation, according to specific needs, during the act of playing. Therefore, this article aims to present, debate and reflect on the application of sensory accommodation strategies in children with sensory disorders, illustrated from clippings of experiences in occupational therapeutic interventions, in order to reorganize and favor adaptive responses to sensory stimuli for a better functional and active performance of play.
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