
  • Yashimin Piloto Carrilio Pandolfi FACELI - Faculdade de Ensino Superior de Linhares
  • Jakeline Martins Silva Rocha FACELI - Faculdade de Ensino Superior de Linhares




Liquid Modernity, Digital World, Consumption Ratio, Legal Security, General Data Protection Law


Today's society is experiencing a digital revolution that redefines consumption patterns. In this context, consumer relations in the digital environment acquire an indisputable centrality, bringing the need to create and modify laws that can justify the difficulties arising from this new method of consumption. With liquid modernity, characterized by the ephemerality and speed of changes, understanding the implications of this dynamic in consumer relations becomes essential. The research, based on a bibliographical research review and using the deductive method, aims to carry out a critical analysis on the influence of liquidity in the contemporary world and evaluate the effectiveness of methods created to regulate consumer relations in the digital environment, considering the impacts on consumers in a society increasingly immersed in the digital world.

Author Biographies

Yashimin Piloto Carrilio Pandolfi, FACELI - Faculdade de Ensino Superior de Linhares

Graduanda em Direito.

Jakeline Martins Silva Rocha, FACELI - Faculdade de Ensino Superior de Linhares

Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão (1996), Advogada, Mediadora Judicial habilitada pelo TJES, Especialista em Direito Empresarial e em Educação pela FVC, Mestra em Gestão Social, Educação e Desenvolvimento, Regional pela FVC, Professora efetiva do bloco de direito privado da FACELI -Faculdade de Ensino Superior de Linhares/ES, Professora de direito privado no Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré - UNIVC (São Mateus/ES), Conselheira 12ª Subseção OAB/ES (2022 a 2024).


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How to Cite

Piloto Carrilio Pandolfi, Y., & Martins Silva Rocha, J. (2024). A MODERNIDADE LÍQUIDA NO MUNDO DIGITAL E AS RELAÇÕES DE CONSUMO. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 12(3), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v12i3.3258

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