
  • Paula Ramos Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni
  • Daniel Lopes Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni
  • Rayssa Lima Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni
  • Cleidilene Souza Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni



Human rights; Nomadic Peoples; Gypsies; Homeless people; Fundamental rights


The scope of this scientific-textual work is to address aspects relating to the legal protection of the fundamental rights of marginalized communities, focusing on three specific groups: nomadic people, homeless people and gypsies. The study examines the challenges faced by these communities in ensuring their fundamental rights, including access to justice, equality before the law and the elimination of systemic discrimination. Furthermore, perspectives and strategies to improve the legal protection of these groups are explored, considering national and international legislation, activism and advocacy, as well as the construction of sustainable solutions. This work highlights the importance of an ongoing commitment to social justice and inclusion to ensure that these marginalized communities fully enjoy their fundamental rights. The development of the text begins with the exploration of the principles of human rights related to marginalized peoples, focusing on groups such as homeless people, nomads and gypsies and their conceptualization. The doctrinal, legislative and jurisprudential evolution on the topic of these marginalized peoples was also explored. Finally, research updates were designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the real situation of homeless people, nomads and gypsies in light of human rights principles, with the aim of identifying specific challenges that these groups face in their search for equality, justice and dignity, in addition to analyzing strategies and perspectives to improve their protection and promotion of rights. The conceptual basis of this article was constructed through comprehensive scientific research, supported by consolidated bibliographical, jurisprudential and legal references, in addition to being enriched by recent research on the subject.


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How to Cite

Ramos, P., Lopes, D., Lima, R. ., & Souza, C. . (2023). LEGAL PROTECTION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF MARGINALIZED PEOPLES: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES. Revista Jurídica Do Nordeste Mineiro, 6(1).