Food Selectivity; Autism; Occupational Therapy; Sensory IntegrationAbstract
This study aims to analyze food selectivity in children with autism, specifically because food selectivity represents a significant challenge not only for the child's health, but also for family and social dynamics. From a social point of view, this condition can result in exclusion and stigmatization, hindering participation in social events and interactions with peers. Lack of acceptance of new foods can lead to health and nutritional problems, directly impacting the child's physical, cognitive and emotional development. Objective: To analyze the intervention of an occupational therapist using the sensory integration approach in the food selectivity of an autistic child. Methodology: case study carried out with a child diagnosed with ASD. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee under protocol number 6.609.833. Results: the importance of food selectivity, which leads to a deficiency of some nutrients, culminating in an increased risk of malnutrition, rickets, obesity, growth retardation, bone problems, social deficits and poor academic performance, as well as gastrointestinal symptoms, due to changes in the composition and function of the intestinal microbiota, which can be aggravated by food selectivity, is highlighted. Continuous assessment of children's nutritional and emotional needs is fundamental for implementing appropriate strategies aimed at improving their general state of health and food acceptance. Conclusion: It is necessary to offer effective strategies to increase the acceptance of new foods and improve the child's quality of life, and to develop more in-depth research on this subject, since there are still few scientific contributions that understand the general aspects of food selectivity.
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