
  • Kezia Gonçalves Rocha Faculdade de Almenara, Almenara-MG
  • Gabriel Barbosa A. Silva Faculdade de Almenara, Almenara-MG
  • Luiza Gobira Lacerda Faculdade de Almenara, Almenara-MG
  • Viviane Amaral Toledo Coelho Almenara – MG
  • Ronivaldo Ferreira Mendes IFNMG - Campus Almenara, Almenara-MG

Palabras clave:

Methylphenidate, Therapeutic use, Adverse effects, College students, Pharmaceutical attention


Objective: The aim of this paper is to analyze the dangers of indiscriminate use of methylphenidate by young undiagnosed ADHD college students who are selfmedicating in pursuit of cognitive improvement and concentration in their studies, and also addressing the diligence of pharmacists in this scenario. Methodology: This is a systematic, descriptive and qualitative literature review, in which a bibliographic survey of scientific articles published between 2008 and 2018 was performed, having only one reference equivalent to the year 1998 that corresponds SVS / MS Ordinance No. 344 of May 12, 1998. Based on electronic data sources: Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), VHL Regional Portal and Google Scholar, in which the following Health Sciences Descriptors ( DeCS): "methylphenidate"; “Therapeutic use” and “adverse effects” “university” “pharmaceutical attention”. Results: A considerable proportion of methylphenidate users use the drug in order to improve their academic performance or cognitive enhancement. Increasing consumption over the course. 66.67% of academics who use this substance obtained through donation of friends. Observe a higher rate of use present in females, with 61.90%, approximately 68.25% among young people aged 18-23 years. Pharmaceutical Care carried out in a systematic and documented manner can identify or solve pharmacotherapeutic problems and possibly the indiscriminate use of methylphenidate. Final considerations: In this way the information would be consolidated in the acquired knowledge, would enable the formation of professionals with an accurate critical vision, professional conduct and actions, transforming the society.



Cómo citar

Rocha, K. G., Silva, G. B. A., Lacerda, L. G., Coelho, V. A. T., & Mendes, R. F. (2023). METHYLFENIDATE:: INDISCRIMINATED USE. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 1(1). Recuperado a partir de

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