the consumption of methylphenidate for cognitive improvement


  • Nayane Pereira Galvão Faculdade de Almenara, Almenara-MG
  • Luiza Gobira Lacerda Universidade de Itaúna
  • Viviane Amaral Toledo Coelho Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Ronivaldo Ferreira Mendes Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
  • Ednardo de Souza Nascimento Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros

Palabras clave:

Methylphenidate, ADHD, Inadequate consumption


This article aims to point out the main effects caused to the body with the consumption of Ritalin for the purpose of cognitive improvement by people who do not have a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is a literature review that aimed to ask the following questions: "Why do people use Ritalin without medical advice?" "What are the risks of misusing this medication?" The chronological criteria used for the searches were studies from the period 2004 to 2020. The preparation of the work was carried out through a detailed research on the proposed theme in electronic databases, with the purpose of obtaining scientific articles in the Portuguese language that address directly or indirectly the suggested theme. Methylphenidate, the main substance used in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is currently the most consumed psychostimulant in the world. Its mechanism of action occurs by blocking the reuptake of dopamine, which acts as a central nervous system stimulant. The inappropriate use of Ritalin can cause chemical dependency and the adverse reactions are: insomnia, headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tachycardia and arrhythmias. The most serious reactions include: angina, seizures and brain hemorrhages. Considering these factors, it is clear that its use should be restricted to the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, with medical monitoring and also from the pharmacist, as he is the qualified professional to perform the act of dispensing, as well as exercising pharmaceutical care.



Cómo citar

Galvão, N. P., Lacerda, L. G., Coelho, V. A. T., Mendes, R. F., & Nascimento, E. de S. (2023). INAPPROPRIATE USE OF METHYLPHENIDATE:: the consumption of methylphenidate for cognitive improvement. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 1(1). Recuperado a partir de

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