
  • Weslene Gonçalves UNIPAC
  • Vívian de Souza Reis Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni
  • Rodrigo Antonio Montezano Valintin Lacerda AlfaUnipac
  • Rinara Lopes Negreiros Kokudai AlfaUnipac


Pelvic Floor; Strengthening; Weakening; Physiotherapy; Urinary Incontinence.


It is known that women go through many changes during their lives, whether physical, hormonal changes or psychological factors that tend to weaken the pelvic floor (PF), which is why it is necessary for women to seek training to strengthen it. The strengthening of the PA must take place in all stages of the woman's life, since it brings with it several benefits for health. When you get stronger, accomplish your goal effectively, thus avoiding dysfunctions caused by lack of strength, such as sagging in the vaginal area, problems in the sexual area and incontinence. Among these incontinences, there is Urinary Incontinence (UI), which causes problems in the quality of life, self-esteem and sexual life of women. So, it was perceived here that physiotherapy treatment is the best option, since it provides different types of resources to improve this dysfunction, these will tend to strengthen BP as an objective. It is noted here that the use of Electrostimulation, Kegel, Biofeedback and Vaginal Dilators resources, when associated with exercises, generate significant gains in the treatment of Dysfunción del Suelo. In view of it, the objective of this study was to describe the muscular training of the pelvic floor in women with UI effort. The methodology used was of a qualitative nature, with descriptive purposes, through a bibliographic review. In the end, it was considered that strengthening with a single resource, such as vaginal dilators, is effective in the treatment of this dysfunction, always and when using methods associated with each other, such as: vaginal dilators and the pilates method. continuously, the result becomes even more significant. In this way, the treatment will contribute effectively, in other words, to achieving a high level of satisfaction in strengthening the pelvic floor musculature (FP) and quality of life.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, W., de Souza Reis , V. ., Rodrigo Antonio Montezano Valintin Lacerda, & Rinara Lopes Negreiros Kokudai. (2023). EFFECTS OF PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLE TRAINING IN WOMEN WITH STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 3(1). Retrieved from https://revista.unipacto.com.br/index.php/rsv/article/view/971

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