
  • Juarez Sebastião Cavalcante Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos – UNIPAC
  • Hillary Sandy Pereira Reis Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos – UNIPA
  • Naiara Zimmerer de Souza Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos UNIPAC


Dyslipidemias, Cardiovascular diseases, Statins, Myopathies


The dyslipidemias treatment and control are primordial factors a cardiovascular disease prevention, being sometimes necessary the use of medications to reach this objective. The drug class of first choice for this purpose, are the statins that control the production of the cholesterol in the body (biosynthesis), however it can cause myopathies to patients during its use. The study had as an objective to discuss the treatment´s risk/benefit relation and verify in practice the results obtained by public health patients with the pharmacotherapy. A field research was conducted based on a broad review of the scientific literature through the collection of data from archives of a Family Health Program (PSF) center in the city of Teofilo Otoni – MG. The research work focused on comparing cholesterol levels before and after the use of drugs, and analyzing whether the benefit of treatment is compensatory, despite the risk of developing adverse events such as myopathies. These data were analyzed and interpreted, verifying whether the results are positive or negative, mentioning the information found in the scientific articles and correlated with the practical research data. The results found in the filed research showed that the archives records are mostly female (82%) from a sample space of 50 files, where 62% have tow comorbidities, these being Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Arterial Hypertension (AH), the age group with the highest percentage of medication use found in the archives was: 60 to 69 years old corresponding to 32%, the statin most prescribed by professionals is simvastatin 20mg, which represents 88%, before the use of drugs, the ideal dosage of total cholesterol, less than 190 mg/dL, represented less than 5% and after its use, it increased to more than 45%, which proves that the medication is effective and contributes to reduce lipemic levels. The factors that contribute to the risk of developing AE are diverse, it is important to consider age, Sex, the comorbidities that the individual has and the medications that are already in use. Based on scientific articles study and field research conducted, it was possible to verify that most of the authors defended the use of pharmacological class of the statins in the control and treatment of the dyslipidemias for the prevention of CVDs and the use of drugs has a satisfactory and effective response. However, both emphasize the importance of choosing the medication (medium or high power, first or second generation), according to the degree of vascular risk and the patient´s clinical history.



How to Cite

Cavalcante, J. S., Reis, H. S. P., & Souza, N. Z. de. (2023). STATINES AND DYSLIPIDEMIAS:: THE IMPORTANCE OF TREATMENT AND THE RISK OF MYOPATHIES. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 2(1). Retrieved from