
  •  David Pinheiro Lauar Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri
  • André Luiz Velano de Souza Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri




Capitalismo; Ciclismo; Serviços; Privado; Público.


The aim of this work is to expose a different spectrum of views on the relationship between cycling and capitalism. Readers, perhaps, do not have an in-depth look at how, in the contemporary world, the bicycle seems just another small “lost” component among motorcycles, cars and other motorized transport without any contribution that perhaps affronts the capitalist system. In a more in-depth analysis, one can untangle the real influence of cycling impacted on the economy, not from sales and resale values, but rather, than adherence to this modality of urban and recreational mobility that promotes health and well-being, it can certainly have a negative impact on the interests of a corporatist world that tends to feed on pathologies and their public and, above all, private health problems. The richness of modalities in the use of a bicycle as a means of transport, fast displacements, races, trips, among others linked to the immense number of users who appropriate it can negatively impact a capitalist system. This work will be based on a database review on the subject and consequently make a constructive criticism on this dimension. It was concluded that adherence to the practice of cycling in its various forms has a negative impact on many sectors of products and services that feed on chronic pathologies resulting from a sedentary lifestyle and on other sectors such as automotive and government transport, which feed on tax collection.


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How to Cite

 David Pinheiro Lauar, & Velano de Souza, A. L. (2024). O CAPITALISMO E AS BICICLETAS. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.61164/rsv.v6i1.2572

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