Autismo. Criança. Enfermagem.Abstract
This work addresses the role of nursing in establishing therapeutic communication with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The objective is to highlight the importance of nursing professionals in promoting effective and inclusive communication, directing the well-being and development of these children. Using a bibliographical research methodology, studies were reviewed that address the role of nursing in caring for children with ASD, especially in the context of therapeutic communication. Strategies such as the use of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and Facilitated Communication are discussed as resources that can be used by nurses to facilitate interaction and understanding for children with ASD. Consider that the awareness and training of nursing professionals are fundamental to offering patient-centered care adapted to the individual needs of each child. By promoting effective therapeutic communication, nursing contributes significantly to the development of communication skills and quality of life of children with ASD, standing out as an essential component in the multidisciplinary team that cares for these patients.
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