Active learning, Current education, Active methods, Innovative methodologyAbstract
Most students have shown significant disinterest in the classroom, presenting low participation and difficulties in the learning process. This phenomenon can be attributed, in large part, to the quality of the education provided. When students are exposed to ineffective education, characterized by the absence of innovative methods and by repetitive and monotonous classes, it is understandable that their interest in learning and participating becomes scarce. In this context, the so-called active methodologies emerge, which are the object of study of this article, and its objective is to clarify the definition of active methodologies and briefly examine their historical trajectory, that is, to understand how they emerged. Thus, the research question is: What is the definition of active methodologies and how did they emerge? Regarding the methodology, this work is classified as a narrative review research, with a qualitative approach and basic nature. Data collection was carried out through material already prepared and published on the subject. The data were analyzed in an interpretative manner. The results show that these methodologies emerged a long time ago and are configured as pedagogical approaches in which the student assumes the role of protagonist of his/her own learning. These methodologies aim not only to engage students in a more dynamic and meaningful way, but also to foster an educational environment that values interaction and reflection, essential for the construction of solid and lasting knowledge.
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