Relação de trabalho. Dignidade humana. Assédio moral.Abstract
Moral harassment occurring in the workplace has created conditions for conflicts to arise and aggressions to emerge. Moral harassment is often treated as something obsolete, which is due to the harm caused by it, which is only noticed over the years, as the damage to health and society is slow but brings great proportions and concerns to those who suffered. Objective: The main objective of this study was to analyze the phenomenon of bullying, focusing on work relationships and legal consequences, knowing that most of the time they are left aside due to fear or lack of knowledge of their rights. Methodology: To this end, the methodology used was a bibliographical review, of a qualitative and descriptive nature, carried out through readings in books, internet research, CAPES Periodicals Portal were accessed and case law; that deal with the topic of moral harassment in the workplace, using the descriptors: “Work relationship, human dignity, moral harassment and abuse”, taking into account articles researched between the years 2018 to 2023 (publications from the last five years). Results: The results showed that Moral Harassment has become a reality and because of this, it has violated constitutional precepts, harming the honor, physical and mental integrity, morals and dignity of the worker. These hostile practices have consequences that cause very serious social implications such as incapacity for work and early retirement, removal due to mental suffering and family and social disruption. Constitutional Amendment 45/2004 states that when dealing with cases of moral damage, whether in the material or moral sphere, they must be assessed by the specialized Labor Court.
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