
  • Maria Ida Barbosa Lima UNIPAC
  • Thalia Almeida Viana UNIPAC
  • Matteus Cordeiro de Sá UNIPAC

Palabras clave:

Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine, Low back pain, Vertebral manipulation


The chronical low back pain is continuous pain in the low back region that does not show improvement after three months or more. It has a high prevalence in the population and is one of the main occupational health problems. Manipulation is often used as a treatment, which consists in the application of techniques with the hands, on the patient's body, with the purpose of promoting return to normal function, emphasizing reestablishing joint mobility, promoting analgesia and altering the muscular activity. This article is a review in the scientific literature regarding the technique of manipulation in chronic low back pain. The main databases were searched and considered articles of 2004 so far, as well as books of the area. The studies are controversial, some demonstrate the efficacy in pain relief soon after the application, and some studies have not been satisfactory. Therapy with more sessions seemed to bring benefits. There is the lack of studies with more patients and more professionals involved, however the manipulation is a technique widely used that shows benefits to the patients.



Cómo citar

Lima, M. I. B., Viana, T. A., & Sá, M. C. de. (2023). EFFECTS OF MANIPULATION ON CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 1(1). Recuperado a partir de https://revista.unipacto.com.br/index.php/rsv/article/view/45

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