
  • Zaqueu Gonçalves Do Santos Faculdade de Almenara, Almenara-MG
  • Luiza Gobira Lacerda Faculdade de Almenara, Almenara-MG Brasil
  • Viviane Amaral Toledo Coelho Almenara – MG
  • Leonardo Henrique Guimarães Reis Faculdade de Almenara, Almenara-MG

Palabras clave:

Prostate Cancer, Prevention, Control, Epidemiology, Diagnosis


Objective: To verify the importance of PSA collection on prostate cancer prevention. Methodology: This is a systematic review of the bibliographic literature of scientific articles published between 2004 and 2018. The research was guided by electronic databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Regional Portal VHL and Google Scholar. For inclusion criteria of the resulting articles were adopted parameters such as; relevance to the topic, scientific articles and studies written in Portuguese and English, timeliness of information, or content from previous years if pertinent. The following Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) were used: “prostate cancer”; “Prevention and control” and “epidemiology” “diagnosis”. Results: According to the National Cancer Institute (INCA) the estimated number of new cases of prostate cancer (PC) in 2008 for Brazil was 49,530, which would correspond to an estimated risk of 52 new cases for every 100. A thousand men. It manifests mainly above 50 years of age and, with increasing life expectancy, is considered very important in the reported mortality data among men, representing a serious public health problem. Final considerations: With this review we can analyze that the PSA exam is very important, but not so much when associated with rectal touch and transrectal prostate ultrasound exam with biopsy. Since PSA is highly sensitive, it is not cancer-specific and most men with high PSA do not have CAP.



Cómo citar

Santos, Z. G. D., Lacerda, L. G., Coelho, V. A. T., & Reis, L. H. G. (2023). PROSTATE CANCER:: PHARMACEUTICAL PERFORMANCE AND AN IMPORTANCE OF PSA EXAMINATION. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 1(1). Recuperado a partir de

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