
  • Flávia Rocha Santos UNIPAC
  • Matteus Cordeiro de Sá UNIPAC
  • Walace Coelho da Silva UNIPAC

Palabras clave:

spirometry, respiratory fisioterapy, performance of athletes


Objective: The objective of this research was to show how the Preventive Sports Physiotherapy associated with Respiratory Physical Therapy resources has the capacity to increase the technical and physical performance and also to reduce the risk of injuries in athletes. Methodology: For the preparation of this work, the data collection was performed through the literature review. We used research tools such as Google Scholar, Scielo, Lilacs, PEdro. The literary reference described here was searched through scientific articles in Portuguese and English, online search engines, scientific journals and bibliographical works related to the subject. Incentive Spirometry in Athlete Performance: The incentive spirometer (EI) is a feature that promotes high lung volumes and sustains maximal inspirations leading to increased tidal volume, inspiratory time, and inspiratory flow that ensures alveolar stability. There are different types of appliances that are volume or flow-dependent. The spirometer can be used in both respiratory and sports physiotherapy with the aim of helping to improve lung function during intense competitions and exercises. Conclusion: In view of this problem, there is a need for more research on Inspiratory Muscular Training, and to be produced and propagated nationally by physiotherapists so that more and more people (professional and non-professional athletes) can benefit vastly from muscle training inspiratory during the process of physical preparation or even rehabilitation, giving you more performance to your sport.



Cómo citar

Santos, F. R., Sá, M. C. de, & Silva, W. C. da. (2023). SPIROMETRY OF INCEPTION IN THE PERFORMANCE OF ATHLETES. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 1(1). Recuperado a partir de https://revista.unipacto.com.br/index.php/rsv/article/view/35

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