
  • Carla Fiuza Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
  • Paloma Benigno Morais Universidade Vale do Rio Doce
  • Karine Rodrigues da Silva Neumann Universidade Federal de Viçosa


Hematopoiesis, Iron deficiency anemia, blood cells and life time


Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency, with a higher prevalence in women and children, especially in developing countries, such as Brazil. When the blood has insufficient red cells or they carry hemoglobin that is not able to deliver oxygen properly to the tissues means that there was failure in the production of the red blood cells and there is anemia, often of multifactorial cause in the same individual and therefore constituting a complex syndrome for evaluation and establishment of the conduct to be adopted. Considering that a large part of the population uses the drugs for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia for insufficient time, it is objected in this article, to describe the necessity of iron adequate to the time for new red blood cells to be replaced, that this should be present in the blood stream for a period that exceeds the substitution of iron-poor red blood cells for new iron-rich red blood cells, for this purpose a review of iron deficiency anemia is carried out with a study of the formation time and red blood cell lifetime.



How to Cite

Fiuza, C., Morais, P. B., & Neumann, K. R. da S. (2023). TIME OF IRON USE IN FERROPRIVATE ANEMIA. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 1(1). Retrieved from https://revista.unipacto.com.br/index.php/rsv/article/view/63

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