
  • Amanda Sousa Porto Faculdade de Almenara, Almenara-MG
  • Deise Maria de Jesus Faculdade de Almenara, Almenara-MG
  • Viviane Amaral Toledo Coelho Faculdade de Almenara, Almenara-MG
  • Luiza Gobira Lacerda UNIPAC
  • Luanna Botelho Souto de Araújo UNIPAC


Sickle cell anemia, Diagnosis, Prevention and Control, Pathophysiology


Objective: to acquire information about sickle cell disease, in its various aspects: detection, treatment and prevention or even in monitoring the patient and involvement with his family. Methodology: The study was carried out with the evaluation of bibliographic references of magazines, articles and dissertations published between 2001 and 2018. After a selective and thorough reading, 39 studies were designated to compose the bibliographic review. 10 of these were selected to integrate the description of the results and discussion. Results: Throughout the study, the need for awareness was shown, showing how this pathology generates a public health problem, through the database. The need for genetic reception for couples who intend to have children is essentially to prepare them psychologically and so that they are aware of the various drug interventions. Conclusion: It was found that people with sickle cell anemia had several favorable elements, in search of adaptation to illness in adulthood. Even with so many existing diagnostic techniques, there is a need for better diagnostic methodologies, and also more research, which, in turn, would enable new treatments, providing better quality and life expectancy for people with sickle cell disease.



How to Cite

Porto, A. S., Jesus, D. M. de, Coelho, V. A. T., Lacerda, L. G., & Araújo, L. B. S. de. (2023). DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF FALCIFORM ANEMIA:: LITERATURE REVIEW. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 1(1). Retrieved from https://revista.unipacto.com.br/index.php/rsv/article/view/44

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