Reabilitação neuromotora, AVC, Intervenções inovadoras, fisioterapiaAbstract
Neuromotor rehabilitation in post-stroke (CVA) patients is a field in growing evolution, seeking to improve the functional recovery and quality of life of affected individuals. This article addresses innovative interventions, based on physiotherapy, which have shown effectiveness and promising applicability in the rehabilitation of these patients. Among the approaches discussed, significant actions that provide physical support for the rehabilitation of patients through sensory and physical stimulation stand out, aiming to facilitate the activation of paralyzed muscles; and reality techniques that make rehabilitation more engaging and motivating. Furthermore, the use of other mechanisms that allow continuous and personalized recovery monitoring is explored. The results presented in recent studies indicate that these interventions not only improve motor skills and functional independence, but also promote psychological aspects, such as motivation and patient engagement in the therapeutic process. It is concluded that the combination of patient-centered strategies can enhance neuromotor rehabilitation, offering new perspectives for post-stroke care.
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