
  • Emilia Rodrigues Coelho Alfa Unipac
  • Glória Maria Santos Pimenta Alfa Unipac



Systemic factors. Prosthesis. Complete denture.


The prosthesis is a tool of great support and relief in the oral health and self-esteem of many people, who have had total tooth loss throughout their lives. However, its application and use may be accompanied by complications that interfere with the adaptation and effectiveness of the prosthesis, such as pre-existing diseases, osteoporosis, medication use, lifestyle habits, age and others. Based on this conception, the study aims to evaluate the influence of systemic factors on complete dentures and seek to understand how these can compromise the success of the prosthesis, also seeking to identify clinical management strategies to improve the adaptation of complete dentures in patients with systemic conditions. General objective: To investigate the influence of systemic factors on the use and adaptation of complete dentures in edentulous patients. Methodology: The methodology applied in the study was a systematic literature review, including articles published in the last 10 years, indexed in the databases available in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and other official portals


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How to Cite

Rodrigues Coelho, E., & Santos Pimenta , G. M. . (2024). IMPACT OF SYSTEMIC FACTORS ON THE ADAPTATION AND USE OF DENTAL PROSTHESIS. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 12(1).