Electronic cigarette. Oral health. Dental problems. Gingival problems.Abstract
The electronic cigarette, commonly known as e-cigarette or vape, has been promoted as a less harmful alternative to conventional cigarettes. However, its use has significantly increased among young people, raising concerns about potential negative health impacts, especially on oral health. Studies reveal that e-cigarette vapor contains a variety of chemicals, including nicotine, toxic compounds, and carcinogens, as well as other ingredients present in the liquids used in the devices. The use of these devices has been associated with various dental and gingival problems, such as gingival inflammation, bleeding, dental caries, and increased risk of periodontal disease. This article aims to discuss the impacts of e-cigarette use on oral cavity, employing a literature review methodology based on studies indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), and other official portals.
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