
  • Ester Fróz da Silva Aparício Carvalho fimca
  • Marina Arruda Elói Instituto Aparício Carvalho- FIMCA
  • Karoline Cristina Miranda Ferreira Façanha Instituto Aparício Carvalho- FIMCA
  • Simone Ramos Arruda Silva Instituto Aparício Carvalho- FIMCA
  • Rafaele Viana Francelino Maciel Instituto Aparício Carvalho- FIMCA



Urinary incontinence (UI), Physical therapy, Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT), Biofeedback (BF).


Urinary Incontinence (UI) refers to any involuntary loss of urine, with the exception of children. It is known that women go through many changes during their lives, whether physical changes, hormonal factors or psychological factors, which tend to weaken the pelvic floor. Problems such as urinary incontinence may soon arise and difficulties in socializing, fearing going through uncomfortable moments in the presence of people.

 The main physiotherapeutic resources include: education and changes in behavioral habits; bladder training; Biofeedback (BF); electro-stimulation; vaginal cones; and pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT). International guidelines (Guidelines) use PFMT as a treatment for women with different types of UI, as it is the gold standard of scientific evidence.

          BF is a pelvic floor muscle training method (PFMT) that uses a vaginal device to measure muscle contraction pressure and electrical activity in the muscle, providing information about the degree of contraction to the woman through visual or auditory means. consists of a portable device, cables and electrodes. The goal of this approach is to teach patients to identify and develop maximum voluntary control of their pelvic floor muscles. They learn to assess and normalize resting muscle activity, correctly train muscles (improving contraction efficiency and endurance), improve sensory perception, identify and prevent contraction of accessory muscles, and provide feedback to the therapist about treatment effectiveness.

    The methodology used was qualitative in nature, with descriptive purposes through a literary review. However, even in renowned magazines and websites, it was not possible to find a significant number of articles with good methodology and a low amount of bias that would guarantee the effectiveness of the use of BF in women with UI.



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How to Cite

Fróz da Silva, E., Arruda Elói, M., Miranda Ferreira Façanha, K. C., Ramos Arruda Silva, S., & Viana Francelino Maciel, R. (2024). IDENTIFICAR OS EFEITOS DA FISIOTERAPIA NO MANEJO DA INCONTINÊNCIA URINARIA EM MULHERES POR MEIO DA UTILIZAÇÃO DO USO DO BIOFEEDBACK. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 6(1).