
  • Daniela Dos Santos Mendes UNIFACEMP
  • Heloísa Lisbôa Fachinetti UNIFACEMP
  • Geizielle de Andrade Sampaio UNIFACEMP
  • Carlos Sampaio de Santana Neto UNIFACEMP



endodontics, root canal disinfection, irrigation methods


The irrigating solution is essential for sanitizing root canals. Much research has been evaluating the effectiveness, polluting potential and biocompatible of these substances. Apple cider vinegar is a promising irrigate solution, because it may have a disinfectant, chelating and organic matter solubilizing properties. This research aim is assessing the scientific evidence that indicates the use of apple cider vinegar for endodontic treatment. This paper was carried out through an online data search in electronic databases systems of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) and Google Scholar adopting the inclusion criteria: published over a period of 20 years, all text full available and Portuguese language. According to the review carried out, it's possible to report that the use of apple cider vinegar in root canal irrigation is satisfactory. The malic acid present in apple cider vinegar has demonstrated efficacy in dentin permeability increasing and antimicrobial activity against bacteria associated with endodontic infections.  It has been demonstrated that apple cider vinegar is a promising irrigating solution. It may able to remove the smear layer, has antimicrobial action against endodontic bacteria and promoting dentin microhardness reduction. This research also showed there are few studies available in the Portuguese literature that investigated the use of apple cider vinegar and, therefore, more researches are required to fully understand the potential and possible side effects of apple cider vinegar in endodontics.


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How to Cite

Mendes, D. D. S., Fachinetti, H. L., Sampaio, G. de A., & Sampaio de Santana Neto, C. (2024). ROOT CANALS DISINFECTION USING APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, A LITERATURE REVIEW. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 1(1).

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