
  • Gabriela Oliveira Andrade Santos UNIFACEMP
  • Veronica Queiroz Cruz Vilela UNIFACEMP
  • Geizielle de Andrade Sampaio UNIFACEMP
  • Carlos Sampaio de Santana Neto UNIFACEMP



hemangioma, sclerotherapy, diagnosis, treatment


Oral hemangioma is a benign vascular tumor, which can emerge from childhood to adulthood. It is a vascular malformation that is characterized by the abnormal proliferation of blood vessels that affects the head and neck region. They are asymptomatic; however, progression can occur, leading to various aesthetic and functional disorders for the individual. The treatment essentially depends of a correct diagnosis and anatomical analysis.  Clinically, hemangioma is identified as a nodular lesion, of variable size, resistant density under pressure, smooth region due to tissue stretching, erythematous to purplish pigmentation, according to its location and depth in the adjacent tissue. The aims of this study is report a case of hemangioma on the lower lip treated with sclerotherapy using the drug monoethanolamine oleate (Ethamolin), whereas the clinical aspects and an accurate diagnosis of this injury. The case has been followed up for 8 months, there isn´t sign of recurrence and the lesion had a total regression. The result was aesthetic, functional and satisfactory.


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How to Cite

Santos, G. O. A., Vilela, V. Q. C., Sampaio, G. de A., & Sampaio de Santana Neto, C. (2024). REMOVAL OF LIP HEMANGIOMA USING THE MEDICATION SCLEROTHORAPY TECHNIQUE. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 1(1).

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