Hypodermoclysis. Therapy. SubcutaneousAbstract
The objective of this study was to analyze, in the literature, the information available on the hypodermoclysis technique, identify advantages and disadvantages, medications and solutions that can be administered subcutaneously and the impact that information can have on the nursing routine within a unit. hospital. The study was based on descriptive bibliographic research. The results found demonstrate positive points of the procedure, allowing greater comfort and preservation of the autonomy of these individuals in maintaining their daily activities, favoring rehabilitation and improving the quality of life of patients and their families. Thus, it was possible to verify that there is definitive information regarding the correct way of applicability of the technique, dilution and administration of fluids and drugs through this route, being an effective and safe option. The information has a positive impact on the support given to the nursing team to ensure that subcutaneous therapy safely achieves its therapeutic goals. Therefore, it is concluded that hypodermoclysis represents an alternative route of first choice for elderly patients undergoing palliative or debilitated treatment.
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