




Keywords: Nursing, emergency, urgency, classification.


With the emergence of new health problems, such as the increase in violence and traffic accidents, there has been an increase in medical consultations and referrals to emergency rooms, where nurses attend to countless cases every day. Situations that require attention, caution and speed in service. So, knowing that the nurse must take care, plan care, provide assistance, in addition to organizational activities such as requesting materials, dimensioning personnel and coordinating the team and norms, it is clear that the professional stands out during his work. Therefore, the main objectives of this work are to write the importance of the nursing team in urgent and emergency care; evaluate which care during the service; identify the initial consultations and procedures and mention the importance of qualification of the nursing team in this area. This is an Integrative Review, a research method that allows the synthesis of multiple studies already published and allowing general conclusions about a particular area of study. The construction of a broad analysis of the literature, which contributes to future discussions on research methods and results, as well as reflections on the performance of new studies. The primary objective of this research method is to obtain a deep understanding of a given phenomenon based on previous studies. The nurse plays a central and crucial role in urgency and emergency, being responsible for triage, classification, stabilization, monitoring and coordination of the team. Its work aims to ensure a quick, efficient and safe response for patients, safeguarding their lives and promoting quality care during these situations.


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How to Cite

Leidy Laura Da Silva, & Fabisleine Cabral. (2023). URGENCY AND EMERGENCY AND THE ROLE OF THE NURSE. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.61164/rsv.v6i1.1814