
  • Lara Pena AlfaUNIPAC
  • Thaysa Barroso Neiva AlfaUNIPAC
  • Ana Clara Moreira Da Silva AlfaUNIPAC
  • Martha Honorato Da Silva Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni - AlfaUnipac


Sex; Age; Benefits; Prejudice; Nursing.


This study aimed to analyze the benefits of sexual activity. The proposal stems from an understanding of factors that influence the sexual practices of the elderly. Sexual activity can lead to various benefits such as increased self-esteem, improved quality of life, and enhanced intimacy in later stages of life. Furthermore, it was realized that with advances in society, particularly in healthcare, humans have a longer life expectancy. This brings into discussion the sexual lives of older individuals, which often faces prejudice, as if reaching older ages renders a person asexual, or as if they were prevented from enjoying the benefits of sex.

Based on this reflection, the objective of this study was defined as analyzing the factors that influence the sexuality of the elderly, taking into consideration the benefits of sexual activity at this age. The aim is to provide information about the advantages and safer practices of sexual activity, and thus examine how nursing professionals can assist the elderly in terms of sexual activity. To achieve this, the methodology chosen for this research is qualitative in nature, with an explanatory purpose, and the means involve a literature review.

In conclusion, it was considered that when it comes to sexual activity in later stages of life, nursing professionals should impart knowledge, promote health, and provide preventive care for the elderly. The goal is to guide and help older individuals overcome societal taboos and enable them to have a better sexual life.


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How to Cite

Pena, L., Barroso Neiva, T. ., Moreira Da Silva, A. C. ., & Martha Honorato Da Silva. (2023). THE BENEFITS OF SEX IN OLD AGE. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 3(1). Retrieved from

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