
  • Eric Martins Carvalho Faculdade de Almenara, Almenara-MG
  • Viviane Amaral Toledo Coelho Faculdade de Almenara - ALFA de Almenara - Minas Gerais.
  • Luiza Gobira Lacerda Faculdade de Almenara - ALFA de Almenara - Minas Gerais
  • Luanna Botelho Souto de Araújo Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos
  • Ednardo de Souza Nascimento Faculdade de Almenara – ALFA de Almenara – Minas Gerais


Elderly health, Self-medication, Pharmacy, Quality of life


Objective: This work aims to highlight and emphasize the importance of clinical pharmacy in health care for the elderly. It is an integrative bibliographic review, with an exploratory character. Methodology: The research was guided by the electronic databases: Scientific Eletronic Library Online (Scielo) and Google Scholar. It had a durability of six months and cautiously, 21 works published between the years 2000 to 2020 were selected and analyzed to later compose the present bibliographic review. Results: The widespread use of drugs without medical guidance, almost always accompanied by a lack of knowledge of the harm it can cause, is pointed out as one of the causes of these being the main toxic agent responsible for human poisonings registered in the country. The demand for appropriate treatments is increasing and selfmedication, especially in the elderly population, becomes more complex due to old age and due to the difficulties and limitations that these begin to present. Final considerations: In accordance with the articles studied, it was found that the clinical pharmacy shows a positive impact in relation to the number of interventions performed in treatments, in promoting the rational use of medicines and in increasing patient safety, thus reinforcing the importance of the clinical pharmacy service. in pharmacological monitoring and guidance by the pharmacist to individuals with drugrelated problems, making it essential to optimize and complete health care.



How to Cite

Carvalho, E. M., Coelho, V. A. T., Lacerda, L. G., Araújo, L. B. S. de, & Nascimento, E. de S. (2023). CLINICAL PHARMACY IN THE HEALTH OF THE ELDERLY. Revista Saúde Dos Vales, 1(1). Retrieved from

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