


Sensory Integration; Occupational Therapy; Autism Spectrum Disorder


This article explores the importance of occupational therapeutic work based on Ayers'sensory integration approach in the lives of children with ASD. Sensory integration is the process of organization and information about the body and the environment and is important for the development of physical, social and cognitive skills. However, many children on the autism spectrum face challenges that make it difficult for them to participate in daily life. Objective: to analyze, from the occupational therapist's perception, the relationship between the capacity for self-regulation and the improvement of occupational performance. Methodology: case study-based research with a qualitative approach. Results: monitoring of a 7-year-old autistic boy who needs significant support in

many areas of his life due to ASD. During six months of therapeutic activities twice a week, the child participated in a carefully planned program to support his occupational performances and improve his self-control, the results of which are encouraging: the child's fine motor skills improved, his ability to play and interact with other children improved and their ability to control their emotions and frustrations improved. This success is accompanied by observations and studies that show how occupational therapy can help children become more autonomous and more involved in daily activities and school. Conclusion: Although this study has limitations, the results suggest that sensory integration can be a powerful tool in occupational therapy to provide the necessary support for the development of children with autism, as it takes into account the uniqueness of each child, increasing their independence and quality of life.


Author Biography

Rossana Almeida Belfort, StudioR2 Pilates and Functional

Graduated in Occupational Therapy from the University of Maranhão (UNICEUMA) and in Physical Therapy from the Estácio de Sá University. She is a co-owner of StudioR2 Pilates and Functional Training. Specialist in Sensory Integration, Bobath Method, and Kabat Method. Has experience working with older adults, families, and Kinesiotaping.


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How to Cite

Almeida Belfort, R., & Bittencourt, A. M. (2024). IMPORTANCE USING SENSORY INTEGRATION METHOD FOR A CHILD WITH LEVEL 3 AUTISM: A CASE REPORT. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 12(5), 1–20.

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