Annona Squamosa L., Copernicia prunifera (Mill.) H. E. Moore, Biometry.Abstract
The substrate has a great influence on the development of seedlings through its physical-chemical characteristics. Therefore, the present work aimed to evaluate the production of pinha seedlings (Annona squamosa L.) subjected to different concentrations of carnauba bagana as an alternative substrate. The experiment was carried out between January and April 2023, in a greenhouse at the Chapadinha Science Center, at the Federal University of Maranhão. A completely randomized design was adopted, with six treatments and twelve replications, totaling 72 pots. The substrates were formulated in the following concentrations: T1 - 100% soil; T2 - 20% BC; T3 - 40% BC; T4 - 60% BC; T5 - 80% BC; T6 - 100% BC. A soil and CBD fertility analysis was carried out, as well as granulometric and physical analysis of the formulations. The following were evaluated: height; stem and bud diameter; number of leaves; root length and volume; fresh and dry root and aerial mass of seedlings. Analysis of variance was performed, and means were compared using the Tukey test at 5% probability, with the help of the Sisvar® Program. In the analysis of the variables, it was observed that the carnauba bagana presented significant values for height, stem diameter, number of leaves, root length, fresh mass of the aerial part and root dry mass of the pinha seedlings. Thus, carnauba bagana proves to be a viable alternative in the formulation of substrates for seedlings in concentrations of 60-80% for demonstrating the best results in the study.
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