
  • Vitória de Jesus Magro Instituto Educacional Alfa Unipac
  • Ilara Maria Silva Resende Instituto Educacional Alfa Unipac
  • Rodrigo Antonio Montezano Valintin Lacerda Instituto Educacional Alfa Unipac



AVC; Cinesioterapia; Ombro doloroso; Eletroterapia


This article is a literature review on the association of kinesiotherapy and electrotherapy in the treatment of painful shoulder after stroke, a prevalent complication that impacts neuromotor rehabilitation and patient functionality. Stroke, characterized by disturbance of brain function of vascular origin, demands rapid and precise intervention to minimize sequelae. Painful shoulder, common in hemiparetic patients, limits movement and can lead to immobilization, muscle atrophy and other complications. Electrotherapy, including TENS, FES, and NMES, emerges as an effective tool for pain relief and muscle rehabilitation. Studies highlight the effectiveness of FES in reducing subluxation and improving motor function, while TENS demonstrates benefits in expanding range of motion. Furthermore, kinesiotherapy, based on specific exercises, promotes functional recovery of the shoulder, preventing pain and improving quality of life. Early intervention with kinesiotherapy has been shown to be crucial in preventing shoulder pain and improving functionality during the subacute phase of stroke. This study highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, emphasizing the integration of electrotherapy and kinesiotherapy to optimize results in the rehabilitation of painful post-stroke shoulder.

Author Biography

Ilara Maria Silva Resende, Instituto Educacional Alfa Unipac




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How to Cite

de Jesus Magro, V., Maria Silva Resende, I. ., & Antonio Montezano Valintin Lacerda, R. (2024). ANÁLISE DA ASSOCIAÇÃO ENTRE CINESIOTERAPIA E ELETROTERAPIA NO TRATAMENTO FISIOTERAPÊUTICO EM OMBRO DOLOROSO/CONGELADO DE PACIENTE PÓS-AVC. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 5(1).