
  • Igor do Vale Oliveira AlfaUnipac
  • Cintia Cordeiro Guedes AlfaUnipac
  • Sáskia Helen Rodrigues AlfaUnipac
  • Thaynara Pereira dos Santos AlfaUnipac



Media, Criminal Procedure, Communication, Society


There is no denying that since the emergence of the internet, humanity has been constantly advancing in its interpersonal relationships. Taking into account all the development provided, the arrival of media via the internet in Brazil brought several significant technical advances to Brazilian society. Law has currently been one of the largest consumers of the internet, and the speed that this instrument has made possible in processes and other functions in the country's legal sectors is notable. However, it is of great relevance to discuss its influence on the Brazilian criminal process. The media made it possible for several information channels to be created through it, and with this it opened up margins for the creation of millions of channels that operate in this medium. In this way, it generates influence on certain movements and thoughts in favor of its own interest, aiming solely to obtain the much-esteemed audience and profit-making purposes. It is of great importance to debate issues that constantly arise due to this inductive power of the media, which often end up causing harm to some legal assets that the Law protects in its legal provisions. The informative role of the media in publicizing crimes that affect directly to society, also entail a strong responsibility in protecting the image and integrity of the accused, considering that it is extremely important to ensure the guarantee of their rights. In many cases, processes take years to be analyzed and properly judged. The cases to be presented in this article will highlight not only the legal consequences but also the social, physical and psychological ones


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How to Cite

do Vale Oliveira, I., Cordeiro Guedes, C., Helen Rodrigues, S., & Pereira dos Santos, T. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF THE MEDIA ON THE PROCEDURES OF THE BRAZILIAN CRIMINAL PROCESS. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 3(3).

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