Labor law, art. 384 of the CLT, women’s work, principle of isonomy, labor reformAbstract
With the inevitable evolution of society, a norm created with the objective of promoting equality can have its purpose reversed by not ensuring the protection that gave rise to its creation, being contrary to the constitutional principle of isonomy. In this sense, the present work analyzed art. 384 from the CLT that provided for the possibility for the woman to enjoy a 15-minute break before the start of the extraordinary workday. If the norm still meets the purpose that motivated its creation, that is, if it currently generates positive effects, or if, on the contrary, given the evolution of the role of women in society and absent of skillful criteria to legitimize the distinction today, the protective norm ends up being propeller of negative discrimination. Therefore, the objective of the article is to analyze whether the repeal of the norm is unconstitutional for the violation of the principle of isonomy or whether it meets the constitutional equality precept of equality of rights between men and women. In order to achieve this objective, the historical, social and legal contexts of creation of the norm and its repeal were addressed, in the light of the principle of isonomy, the consultation of the legislation, as well as the doctrine and jurisprudence regarding their respective positions on the viability of the permanence or not of the norm before the legal system, in addition to the consultation of scientific articles, academic papers and data obtained from social indicators. It was concluded that the reason accompanies those who defend the repeal of the norm, considering that the social, biological and inclusion foundations of women’s work - discussed by the Supreme Court in action whose thesis of general repercussion was recognized - today are surpassed, as duly evidenced by the data obtained that demonstrate the Brazilian reality.
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