



Reforma Trabalhista; Negociação Coletiva; Relação Trabalhista.


The concept of negotiated over legislated is a principle that allows the parties involved in an employment relationship to establish specific agreements that, in certain aspects, take precedence over what is established by general labor legislation. This mechanism is designed to promote direct negotiation between employers and employees (or their representatives), enabling work arrangements that are more aligned with their specific realities and needs. It is important to emphasize that the application of this principle must respect the limits imposed by the Constitution and cannot, under any circumstances, result in the suppression or reduction of fundamental labor rights.


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How to Cite

Lima da Silva, G., Caiafa Ferreira Silvério, I., & Lopes Lima, L. (2024). A PREVISÃO DO ACORDADO SOBRE O LEGISLADO: UMA PERSPECTIVA PÓS-REFORMA TRABALHISTA. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v6i1.2549

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