Active Learning. Autonomy. Traditional Teaching. Active Student. Active Methods.Abstract
Society has undergone major transformations, times have changed and today's students are no longer the same as students of the past. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate teaching and place these students as protagonists of their own learning. In this aspect, active methodologies meet this purpose. Therefore, this study focuses on active methods. Its objective is to analyze teaching perceptions regarding the use of active methodologies in pedagogical practice and how they understand them. To develop the research, which can be characterized as field research, with a qualitative approach and basic nature, a questionnaire with open questions was used, in which six teachers from a field school located in Comodoro-MT were willing to answer . To analyze the results, the method chosen was Bardin's content analysis. As a result, according to the teachers who participated in the research, active methodologies are strategies that highlight the student's protagonism and increase their motivation to participate in classes. The same teachers claim to use active methods in their classes, as they can greatly contribute to student learning and when they apply them, students react in a positive and satisfactory way, but the research subjects also highlight challenges that arise when faced with their application in practice. school.
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