"Invisible Scars: The Hidden Reality of Psychological Violence Against Women in the Face of Brazilian Legislation
Psychological violence; Psychological Abuse; violence against women; Maria da Penha Law.Abstract
This study aims to analyze psychological violence against women, focusing on its characterization in the Brazilian legal and constitutional frameworks, notably the Maria da Penha Law (Law 11.340/2006) and Article 147-B of the Penal Code. Psychological violence, because it does not leave visible physical marks, presents considerable challenges for its identification, typification and consequent criminalization, which often results in its invisibility in the legal and social context. The research seeks to understand the causes and circumstances that lead victims to silently suffer this type of violence, as well as the factors that inhibit them from reporting their aggressors. The study also examines the repercussions of this form of violence on women's physical and mental health, proposing strategies to cope with it. Although less noticeable, psychological violence generates deep damage to the integrity and dignity of the victims. Thus, this work aims to contribute to the improvement of protective measures and promote a more effective application of legal provisions, reinforcing the need for public policies that ensure the adequate confrontation of this crime.
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