
  • Anne Marcelle Aguilar Faculdades Alfa Unipac de Teófilo Otoni
  • Isaura Silva Alves pereira Faculdades Alfa Unipac de Teófilo Otoni
  • Maria Vitória Santos Fonseca Faculdades Alfa Unipac de Teófilo Otoni
  • Indiara Porto Ribeiro Faculdades Alfa Unipac de Teófilo Otoni



Clareamento Dental; Peróxido de Carbamida; Hipersensibilidade Dentária; Efeitos Adversos.


Tooth hypersensitivity is a common side effect of tooth whitening, which often affects patient satisfaction and treatment adherence. Therefore, understanding the factors that influence hypersensitivity and the effectiveness of prevention and treatment strategies is of significant clinical importance. To address this question, a comprehensive literature review will be conducted. Studies selected for the review were examined to identify trends, risk factors, whitening protocols, and strategies to minimize hypersensitivity. The objective of the work is to evaluate the relationship between the concentration of the bleaching agent and the occurrence of hypersensitivity, aiming to identify safer and more effective protocols. Additionally, common myths and truths associated with home teeth whitening will be explored, providing a clearer understanding for patients and professionals. The literature analysis will provide updated information on the topic, addressing concerns relevant to clinical practice in dentistry and for patients seeking tooth whitening procedures. It will also contribute to informed patient guidance, improve the safety of whitening procedures, and provide a basis for future research in the field. In the end, the research can benefit patients, dental professionals and the whitening products industry by promoting understanding and improvement of the at-home teeth whitening process.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, A. M., Silva Alves pereira, I., Santos Fonseca, . M. V. ., & Indiara Porto Ribeiro. (2024). DENTAL HYPERSENSITIVITY ASSOCIATED WITH HOME WHITENING USING 10% CARBAMIDE PEROXIDE. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 6(1).