


Enxaqueca; Cefaleia; Ansiedade; Fisiopatologia


Goal: The migraine is a dysturb wich involves huge amount of the population and is one of the principal complaines in primary health attention associate with anxiety. Undertending the pathophisiology of headache and neurotransmitters involved in general anxiety disease, we may observe a reationship between both pathologies. As such, we aim to identify cases os migraine in specialized attention services of and the previous management proposed on the primary health attention. Methodology: it was realized an cross-sectional and retrospective study with the medical record analysis from Consórcio Intermunicipal de saúde do Oeste do Paraná (CISOP). Results: 300 medical records were anylised, among these, 54 presented complaints of any kind of headache. It is observed that the sample group were mostly composed of women (n= 46; 85,1%), about 46 (85,1%) patients did not presente complaints of anxiety at the time of consultation and Only 18 (33,3%) used anxiolytics and/or antidepressants. Conclusion: from the bibliographical review, can be identified an pathophysiological relationship between casos of migraine and anxiety. Although, through this study, we did not identify complaints of anxiety or previous treatment in the neurological consultation. We consider that new studies with a larger sample are necessary and statistical analysis to determine the causal link of the topic.


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How to Cite

Castro Oliveira, M., Júlia Kassia Tenconi, & Daiane Breda. (2024). ANÁLISE DA RELAÇÃO ENTRE ENXAQUECA E ANSIEDADE EM SERVIÇO DE ATENDIMENTO PÚBLICO DO MUNICÍPIO DE CASCAVEL-PR. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 5(1).