Prison System; Social Reintegration; Former Inmates; Right To Be Forgotten; Legal Feasibility.Abstract
For over three decades, the Brazilian prison system has been the target of intense criticism, as it has been going through a severe crisis since the 1990s, characterized by elements such as overcrowding, unsanitary and inhumane conditions, violence, as well as a lack of effective social reintegration. It should be emphasized that the deprivation of liberty should not be marked by the exclusion of those who are incarcerated, and the state should ensure their peaceful and harmonious reintegration into society. In the face of this scenario, the discussion around the rights of former inmates has become increasingly relevant. Among the various issues involved in this context, the right to be forgotten stands out, defined as the possibility for individuals who have served their sentence to have the opportunity to rebuild their lives without being constantly reminded of their past mistakes. Thus, this scientific article aims to analyze the legal feasibility of applying the right to be forgotten to former inmates of the prison system. To do so, it is essential to provide an overview of the current situation of the Brazilian prison system; describe the criminal execution and assistance to prisoners and former inmates; and explain the prerogative of the right to be forgotten. The choice of this theme can be justified by the need to discuss and seek possible solutions to the challenges faced by ex-detainees in overcoming stigmas and prejudices. As for the methodology, this study consists of qualitative research, based on the deductive approach method, using literature review as the research technique, as well as jurisprudential analysis.
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