
  • Deborah Souza Endlich Faculdade de Ensino Supeior de Linhares - Faceli
  • Matheus Soprani Lopes da Silva Faculdade de Ensino Superior de Linhares




Human trafficking; human rights; Brazilian legislation; Palermo Protocol.


This article aims to study the progress of Brazilian legislation regarding the prevention, combat, and assistance to victims of human trafficking. The methodology used in this article involved theoretical and documentary research related to the topic, including consultations with doctrine, case law, theses, dissertations, and reliable governmental and non-governmental websites. The research is guided by the following question: Can it be determined that there has been significant progress in International Human Rights Law in Brazil concerning the crime of human trafficking? The purpose of this article is to analyze the historical trajectory, concepts, and characteristics of the crime of human trafficking, as well as to study the social, economic, and cultural factors, and even the Covid-19 pandemic, that contribute to the increase in human trafficking victims. Human trafficking represents a severe violation of human rights, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Advances in Brazilian and international legislation, such as Law No. 13.344/2016 and the Palermo Protocol, aim to combat trafficking and offer protection to victims. Factors such as social inequality, forced migration, and humanitarian crises fuel this practice, requiring effective public policies. Thus, legislative progress in addressing exploitations beyond sexual exploitation, coupled with international cooperation and support networks for victims, is crucial to eradicating trafficking and promoting a just future.


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How to Cite

Souza Endlich, D., & Soprani Lopes da Silva , M. . (2025). A EVOLUÇÃO DO DIREITO INTERNACIONAL DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS E O COMBATE AO TRÁFICO PESSOAS NO BRASIL . Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 2(01), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v2i01.3480