
  • Noelle Pedroza Silva Rodrigues Ferreira Instituto Superior da AFAC
  • Katia Nascimento da Rosa Instituto Superior da AFAC
  • Eliane Severo da Silva Fernandes Instituto Superior da AFAC
  • Elenice Aparecida Koguta Instituto Superior da AFAC
  • Patrícia Valesca Ferreira Chaves Instituto Superior da AFAC
  • Elisa Cressoni Martini Instituto Superior da AFAC




terapia ocupacional; sistema sensorial; cognição; transtorno do espectro autista; avaliação em saúde.


The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by difficulties in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. Occupational therapy is essential for supporting the development of individuals, focusing on promoting independence and participation in daily activities. The sensory integration approach helps regulate sensory responses, allowing for better adaptation to the environment and greater autonomy. The non-standardized assessment of sensory integration combines clinical observations and standardized scales, aiming for a comprehensive diagnosis and a personalized intervention plan. This study aims to identify specific needs of children through non-standardized assessments, and develop personalized interventions that address their sensory alterations. This is a qualitative methodology with an exploratory and descriptive approach through the analysis of playful resources and the development of personalized interventions. The results elucidate that the non-standardized assessment proved effective in understanding the sensory needs of children with ASD, promoting adapted interventions that improved engagement and functional skills in the Brazilian population. The study highlights the importance of individualized approaches and the need for more research in Brazil, given the scarcity of resources in the field.


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How to Cite

Pedroza Silva Rodrigues Ferreira, N., Nascimento da Rosa, K., Severo da Silva Fernandes, E., Aparecida Koguta, E., Ferreira Chaves, P. V., & Cressoni Martini, E. (2025). AVALIAÇÃO DA INTEGRAÇÃO SENSORIAL COM INSTRUMENTOS NÃO VALIDADOS SOBRE O OLHAR DA TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL NO BRASIL. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 2(01), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v2i01.3461

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