
  • Larissa Loureiro Giuberti Faceli
  • Matheus Lopes da Silva Faceli



Ação Civil Pública; Ação Popular; Direitos Coletivos; Legislação Brasileira; Processo Coletivo; Legitimidade; Interesse Processual.




The Public Civil Action is an essential instrument for protecting collective rights and life, while the Popular Action, though useful, is more limited, focusing on invalidating acts harmful to public assets. This paper analyzes the possibility of the Public Authority acting in the Public Civil Action in different ways, including changing sides or acting jointly with the popular plaintiff. Brazilian legislation, through the Popular Action Law and the Administrative Improbity Law, allows the public entity to change positions in the process, initially appearing as a defendant and later as a plaintiff. This change in position has significant implications, affecting the interpretation and application of various procedural institutes, such as the interest in appealing and the need for mandatory remittance.This study proposes a dynamic approach to legitimacy and interest in the modern process, recognizing that these elements are flexible over time. The goal is to provide guidelines for exploring the topic, contributing to the reflection on the collective protection of rights and the practical application of collective process institutes.


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How to Cite

Loureiro Giuberti, L., & Lopes da Silva, M. . (2024). DEPOLARIZATION OF THE PROCESS AND POSSIBILITY OF CHANGING DEMAND POLES. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 6(1).