
  • Sérgio Luis Melo Viroli Instituto de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Tocantins
  • Miriam Oliveira da Silva Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins



cards game, teaching strategy, chemistry game


Experimental classes provide a more scientific view of the changes that occur in matter. Despite this, many students face obstacles when carrying out experiments due to lack of knowledge of the equipment and glassware used in experimental activities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop techniques that stimulate and promote student learning. Games are fun activities that can help develop the content of the Chemistry subject. The research aimed to evaluate the playful nature of the proposal for a card game called Deck of Glassware, created to assist students in the 1st period of the Chemistry Degree in the identification, use and application of basic glassware used in the laboratory during experimental classes. In the first semester of 2024, an action took place involving 10 students from the first period of the Chemistry Degree Course at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins – IFTO, on the Paraíso do Tocantins campus. The game was created using ninety-two (92) prints of the names, uses and images of glass and porcelain utensils, as well as rectangular cutouts (9 cm x 6 cm) of cardboard paper and the participation of two to four participants, who They will initially receive 9 cards. After the playful activity, an evaluation questionnaire was administered with four closed questions and one open question. The Glassware Deck game, evaluated by students from the 1st Period of the Chemistry Degree Course, had satisfactory results, where all evaluated items had values ​​equal to or greater than 70% approval. The game created and applied helped with retention, helping to understand the content about the recognition and function of glassware used in experimental Chemistry activities, providing a pleasant and fun learning environment.


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How to Cite

Viroli, S. L. M. ., & Oliveira da Silva, M. . (2024). PLAYFUL PROPOSAL FOR TEACHING EXPERIMENTAL CHEMISTRY: USE OF A CARD GAME ON THE NOMENCLATURE AND USABILITY OF GLASS. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 5(1).

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