Extrativismo vegetal; Baobab; Desenvolvimento; Socioeconomico; Produtos florestaisAbstract
ABSTRACT: The study highlights the relevance of the baobab fruit, known as malambe, in the diet of rural populations in certain regions of Mozambique, with emphasis on the province of Tete, district of Changara. Collected mainly by women and children, malambe is consumed locally and sold to companies that produce derivatives of this fruit. The objective of the study is to investigate the value chain of malambe in rural communities, looking at the perception of rural communities about its potential and sustainability. The methodology was based on updated bibliographical research, as well as the analysis of laws and decrees related to forestry products in Mozambique. The results indicate that malambe has high medicinal and nutritional value, being used by local communities both to treat diseases and to enrich the family diet. However, in regions such as Changara, the fruit is still undervalued due to the lack of knowledge about its properties. With the results of this research, it is concluded that it is necessary to intensify the dissemination of the potential of malambe, both medicinal and nutritional, to increase its appreciation and strengthen its value chain, benefiting extractive communities that depend on this activity.
KEYWORDS: Plant extractivism; Baobab; Development;Socioeconomic; Forest products
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.(Acessado a 18.10.2023)
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