
  • Hevelyane Abrantes Estrela Centro Universitário Santa Maria - UNIFSM
  • Diego Igor Alves Fernandes de Araújo Centro Universitário Santa Maria - UNIFSM
  • José Guilherme Ferreira Marques Galvão Centro Universitário Santa Maria - UNIFSM
  • Iris Costa e Sá Lima Centro Universitário Santa Maria - UNIFSM



Gestational diabetes, Pharmacists, Evidence-based pharmaceutical practice


Introduction: Gestational diabetes is characterized as a metabolic disorder that arises during the pregnancy process, where studies highlight that after this phase, there is usually an improvement in this problem. It is a risk factor in pregnancy, and can increase the risk of developing complications, such as eclampsia and premature birth. Objective: to describe what pharmaceutical care is like for patients with gestational diabetes. Methodology: The study was conducted through an integrative literature review and a qualitative approach. Data were collected from the Virtual Health Library (VHL)/Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), PUBMED, and the Scientific Electronic Library On line (SciELO). The following Health Sciences Descriptors were used: "Gestational Diabetes", "Pharmaceuticals". and "Evidence-based pharmaceutical practice". Results: Pharmaceutical care is important for pregnant women with diabetes, considering that the pharmacist has extensive knowledge about the functioning of medications, acting to ensure safety in the use of medications. Thus, pharmacists are important to identify whether the prescribed dose is in accordance with the gestational diabetes protocols available in Brazil. In addition, check if there is any prescribed medication that is contraindicated for pregnancy, because several of them can have teratogenic effects. With this, it contributes to the correct and safe use, in addition to the pharmacist being a relevant professional in the health education of patients. It plays a key role in guiding the appropriate use of medications, ensuring the effectiveness of treatment and minimizing the risks of adverse effects. The rational use of medicines is also a reality arising from pharmaceutical care, where it aims to raise awareness among the population. Conclusion: Thus, pharmaceutical care plays an important role for pregnant women with diabetes, considering the whole context and developing a holistic approach to patients, clarifying doubts about medications and insulins, and preventing self-medication. With this, the pharmacist is important for the safety of the pregnant woman and the baby, especially with regard to medications and their effects


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How to Cite

Estrela, H. A. ., Araújo, D. I. A. F. de, Galvão, J. G. F. M. ., & Lima, I. C. e S. . (2024). GESTATIONAL DIABETES AND PHARMACEUTICAL CARE. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 12(5), 1–20.

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