
  • Francisco Guimarães Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho
  • Matheus Ximenes de Sousa UNIFSA
  • Raimundo Nonato Cardoso Miranda Júnior UNIFSA



Antidepressants; Pharmaceuticals; Economic impacts.


Depression is a common disease affecting millions of people worldwide, with women being more prone to it, especially during postpartum. This study aims to compare the costs of the main antidepressants available in the Brazilian market, identify the most prescribed ones, analyze the differences between brand-name and generic medications, and evaluate the economic impact of prolonged antidepressant use. Data was collected from three Brazilian pharmacies and analyzed in relation to the current minimum wage in the country, showing that the monthly cost of antidepressant treatment can represent 9% of a patient's salary. This information is important to assess medication accessibility, the economic impact on patients, and on the Unified Health System. Furthermore, estimates of costs for psychiatric medications can assist in mental health research and in comparing costs with other health actions. This study is crucial for both academic development and healthcare professionals.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, F., Matheus Ximenes de Sousa, & Raimundo Nonato Cardoso Miranda Júnior. (2024). COMPARATIVE COST ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN ANTIDEPRESSANTS AVAILABLE ON THE BRAZILIAN MARKET. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 12(4), 1–13.