Compounding Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Forms, Medication, PediatricsAbstract
The pediatric population is characterized as a vulnerable class, with some limitations and dependence on adults. Therapeutic assistance care aimed at children is part of the routine of health professionals, especially pharmacists, thus compounding pharmacies have been gaining more and more space in the pharmaceutical market, providing a greater variety of personalized medications according to the patient's needs, especially for children. This study aims to identify the main compounding preparations for oral use in children, compounded in a pharmacy in the city of Cajazeiras-PB. A study with an applied research type, with a quantitative approach, was carried out in a Compounding Pharmacy located in the city of Cajazeiras-PB. The study was composed through the analysis of the compounding orders formulated for pediatric patients in the period of one year - from June 2023 to June 2024, registered in the database of the system used to manage compounding preparations in the pharmacy - Alquimista system (version.10). Data collection was carried out from September to October 2024. The collected data were organized in spreadsheets and then statistical analyses were performed, which were presented in graphs, tables, and charts, and compared with the literature relevant to the studied topic. From the study, it was observed that the studied population was composed of 221 participants, the majority of whom were male children (56% and 44% female). Regarding the medications manipulated to meet the needs of children, those that are part of the pharmacological classes of hypnotics (melatonin), diuretics (furosemide), antihypertensives (captopril and hydrochlorothiazide), and antipsychotics (aripripazole), antiulcers/antacids (omeprazole) stood out, since most of them are not found in the therapeutic arsenal of the pharmaceutical industry to serve children. The main pharmaceutical forms manipulated were syrups (92%), followed by sachets (7%) and, to a lesser extent, gums (1%). It was possible to see that the results obtained in this study are of fundamental relevance, as they show that the compounding pharmacy has a very important role in the pharmaceutical market, with the ability to prepare more appropriate pharmaceutical forms, dosed with greater precision and presented in a form that facilitates administration.
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