
  • Adriana Dutra de Jesus UNEMAT- Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso Carlos Alberto Reyes Maldonado
  • Raquel da Silva Vieira Coelho UNEMAT- Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso Carlos Alberto Reyes Maldonado
  • Willyan Alves da Silva UNEMAT- Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso Carlos Alberto Reyes Maldonado



reconhecimento facial, OpenCV, visão computacional.


Facial recognition is a technology that has been applied in several areas, including education. Built from a literature review, this article addresses the use of facial recognition to control student attendance, which has varied benefits, including improvements in school security and efficiency in attendance control. Despite advances, there are challenges to be overcome, including the accuracy of facial recognition and the investment required to implement the technology on a massive scale. The use of facial recognition in schools raises important ethical questions regarding privacy and consent. It is important for schools to establish clear policies and be transparent about the use and storage of data.


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How to Cite

Dutra de Jesus, A., Raquel da Silva Vieira Coelho, & Willyan Alves da Silva. (2024). RECONHECIMENTO FACIAL PARA CONTROLE DE FREQUÊNCIA DE ALUNOS. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 7(1).