
  • Lívia Alves de Brito UFCG
  • Laryssa Evelyn Silva Rocha UFCG
  • Maria Eduarda Rezende Faria UFCG
  • Faldryene de Sousa Queiroz Feitosa UFCG



Odontologia; Saúde bucal; Educação em saúde; Pessoa com deficiência; Inclusão.


The “Integrating Smiles” program was developed in 5 institutions in the municipality of Patos-PB, the Association of Parents and Friends of Autistic People (ASPAA), the Irmã Benigna Municipal School, the NGO Essor, the Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional People (APAE) and the Early Childhood Care Program (PAI), which take in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders and in situations of social vulnerability. The target audience was the children and adolescents registered at these institutions, their parents and teachers/caregivers. The aim of the work was to emphasize the importance of playful activities in the implementation of a university extension program aimed at promoting health, providing subsidies for the assisted community to create their own autonomy and co-responsibility in relation to oral health. The experience allowed the extension workers to develop a new approach to caring for people with disabilities (PwD), understand the difficulties they face and establish constructive dialogues with their parents. The playful and interactive approach proved to be effective in promoting oral health in neuroatypical children, providing an environment conducive to learning and acceptance of dental care. The experience demonstrated the importance of oral health education and adapted care for PwD individuals, highlighting the need for inclusive approaches.

The play activities carried out during the actions were games, paintings, demonstrations on macromodels, among many others. Every child who takes part in playful activities acquires new knowledge and develops skills in a natural and enjoyable way, which generates a strong interest in learning and ensures pleasure; children need to play, this is a characteristic of childhood. It can be concluded that the experience enabled the students to build an innovative form of oral health education, based on educational and dynamic practices, which contributed to envisioning a more humanized horizon of action that goes beyond the old practices of immediate care.


Keywords: Dentistry; Oral health; Health education; Disabled people; Inclusion


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How to Cite

Alves de Brito, L., Evelyn Silva Rocha, L. ., Eduarda Rezende Faria, M., & de Sousa Queiroz Feitosa, F. . (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF USING PLAYFUL ACTIVITIES IN THE ORAL HEALTH CARE OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 5(1).

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