



experimentação; construção do conhecimento; ensino de química.


The study exposes the reflection on carrying out an experimental activity, with the participation of students, which developed and constructed the content of acids and bases. The activity was developed during classroom management in the 1st semester of 2023, in a state public education unit, located in the Municipality of Pium, in a class of 40 students from the 1st Year of High School. On 03/09/2023, students watched a 100-minute conduction, taught by the intern on Inorganic Functions (acids, bases) and their relationship with everyday life. On 03/23/2023, an experiment was carried out on the acid-base indicator related to the inorganic functions of acids and bases. The students were organized into groups (5 members) to carry out the experimental activity. The experiment was carried out following an experimental script, prepared by the intern and approved by the ECS advisor, supervising teacher and distributed to each member of the groups formed. The experimental class held provided the opportunity to produce knowledge about Inorganic Functions, subtopic, acidity and basicity of substances. Through the experiment, the students related the acidic or basic nature of substances they use on a daily basis, bringing theory and practice closer together, creating possibilities for the progress of scientific knowledge. Carrying out the experimental class achieved the desired objective, verifying the acidic and basic nature of substances in the student's daily life, indicating the inseparability of theory and practice, enabling students to have an experience to build their knowledge, establishing the importance of experimentation in the learning process.

Author Biography

Nelson Pereira Carvalho, Instituto Federal de Educação




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How to Cite

Viroli, S. L. M. ., & Nelson Pereira Carvalho. (2024). EXPERIMENTAL ACTIVITY: EXPERIENCE IN THE SUPERVISED INTERNSHIP OF THE STATE PUBLIC NETWORK IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PIUM - TO. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v1i1.2097