
  • José Ângelo Pereira dos Santos Alfa Unipac
  • Jeferson Guedes Félix Alfa Unipac
  • Isabel Corrêa Alfa Unipac




Atividade Fisica, Ansiedade, Jovens Adultos, Psicologia do Esporte


Anxiety is an emotion when exaggerated can become a disorder. The anxiety disorders directly affect a large number of young adults. Individuals  that are between 20 and 40 years old and,  that find themselves starting a new phase of life, with different responsibilities and goals. When something gets out of control or doesn't work out, anguish dominates and a feeling of insufficiency hovers. But how to deal with these emotions? How can physical activity help young adults combat anxiety? Literature says that physical exercise helps release various substances in the brain and throughout the body, making the individual feel pleasure in practicing.The purpose of this study is precisely discuss physical activity as a way of treating anxiety.This is because it is a therapeutic practice that can reach a large number of individuals and does not require major preparations or significant financial investments, just frequency, identification of the young adult and time investiment in seeking treatment, then the results will show. The regular practice of physical activities by young adults is considered an important factor in promoting health and improving quality of life, and therefore promoting healthy aging. One of the major obstacles is the lack of quality information, which is why this study relies on a bibliographical review carried out in qualitative approach, using articles published in a maximum period of 10 years past to the present day. Given the above, physical activity, whether moderate or high intensity, whether running or walking, can be understood as a great tool for coping with anxiety,as the benefits of activity are not directly linked to intensity but only with practice by itself.


Keywords: Anxiety; Young; physical activity; sports psychology.


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How to Cite

Pereira dos Santos, J. Ângelo, Jeferson Guedes Félix, & Isabel Corrêa. (2023). A CONTRIBUIÇÃO DA ATIVIDADE FÍSICA NO CONTROLE DA ANSIEDADE EM ADULTOS JOVENS. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v14i1.2068

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